Sunday, August 29, 2010


Welcome!  I envision this blog to be a conduit to discuss the practices of Mindfulness Yoga. What, you may ask, are the practices of Mindfulness Yoga. Good question! Yoga is the 'yoking' of the body and mind through the steady, consistent stance of mindful awareness. That is, a mental stance that is open, non-judgmental, non-reactive, and compassionate.

If you are cutting carrots, or changing a diaper, practicing Warrior Two, or sitting in silent meditation, swimming, or making love with such a mental stance, you are practicing Mindfulness Yoga.

I am creating and offering this blog in particular for those who are members of the Mindfulness Yoga sangha of teachers and practitioners who have taken the Mindfulness Yoga Teacher Training, as well as for the Tucson Mindfulness Practice Community, but it is offered as an open vehicle for my musings on the full gamut of Buddhadharma and the Yoga tradition, with the invitation for all who join me in commenting in mindful dialogue.

Our first offerings, coming later this week, will be the first Monthly Daily Practice as well as our first Book Club offering, the new anthology edited by Michael Stone, published by Shambhala, called Freeing The Body, Freeing The Mind. I hope you will join us for any or all of our discussions.

May you be happy,
May you dwell in peace....

Poep Sa Frank Jude


  1. I feel honured and full of joy to be the first one to write a comment on here. So excited to read your writing everyday!

  2. thank you! I am blogrolling you on mine.

  3. I am not a teacher, rather a novice student that has been practicing less than a year. I have found yoga to be profound and life enhancing.

    I really like the "mindful" approach you are presenting here, and look forward to following and continuing to learn!

  4. Vern,

    Thank you for your interest AND your practice. I'm sure you've heard this, but if not, I am happy to be the one to tell you that the very 'novice' mind you bring to your practice is what should be treasured and nourished throughout the (hopefully) years of your practice. When one loses that 'beginner's mind,' then the intimacy can be lost and practice -- life itself -- can be taken for granted!

    In fact, my teacher would encourage us to "Keep Don't Know Mind!"
